……..To understand if an animal has a soul, you must have your own one.
(Albert Schveizer)
I wanted to have a dog very much but there were lots of reasons why my dream couldn't come true. First, my parents were against, then I had to study and work, afterwards my children were born so I had to bring them up.
But at last my children grew up and I could realize my dream. But what kind of breed should I choose? There was no difference of all kinds of breeds for me, I just wanted to have a real four-legged friend. Once while I was walking down the street, I saw a really wonderful creature which made me stop still in admiration. It was a beautiful pet of grey color with whiskers, bang and beard on its unusual head. It was walking with such a self-respect and inspired such admiration that it was impossible not to draw attention to it. Seconds later I understood it was the dog of my dream: either schnauzer or nothing else.
It happened so that my friend, Lena Berlinskaya, was acquainted with Lily Sokolova, the owner of a beautiful dam Kasta Gerarda which had puppies from Abra-Kadabra in April 1987. Lily might felt that I would be a fanatic lover of this breed in future and gave me the best puppy - Gerso Gela.
That's how it happened! I got what I had been dreaming about. Schauzers are amazing creatures; they override everybody, take over, enchant and make you endear them and as years pass this love becomes stronger and stronger. Gela was a very clever dog with high intellect and proper pride which demanded respect to herself. She was refractory and self-willed. For me, who had no experience, it was often very difficult so I made a lot of mistakes but our love helped us get on with.
Потомки Герсо Гелы в её честь стали получать к своему имени приставку «Гелис». Это имя стало частью клички каждой собаки, родившейся в моём доме.
In 1991 Gela was mated with a foreign dog from Germany - Gregory V.D. Artlandroute, as a result Brungilda was born.
Comparably to Gela, Brungilda was quite a different dog. She was very tender, she did not like to argue and besides she loved everybody, whereas Gela loved only me. Brungilda had beautiful exterior, she was eager to take part in dog-shows. In 1997 Brungilda became a Vice-Champion of the World in Budapest, however a lot of Russian and foreign dog-owners thought that Brungilda deserved much higher prize. Brungilda was eminent dam and left a great imprint on developing of the breed. She produced more than 40 puppies which live in many countries of the world.
In 1993 Brungilda was mated with beautiful stud male - Elsabr Noel, whose owner was Irina Trubnikova. As a result, there were eight wonderful beautiful puppies whose names began with the letter "C" and besides it was the beginning of a very close friendship between me and Ira and we started to work as real partners. Our alliance has been lasting for many years and I think that it is improving from year to year. In that litter a beautiful dog was born. His name was Cheiz and unfortunately he was given to bad and dishonorable people. Nearly a year they kept Cheiz in the bathroom and treated him so violently that I had to take him back. Cheiz was the dog with an amazing character, he was tender, gentle and thankful for our taking him from that hell where he had been living for the whole year. He quickly turned from a neglected "ugly ducking" into a beautiful schnauzer. However the year in hell did not pass without leaving a trace. I always had such a feeling that Cheiz was afraid of returning into the past.
Brungilda and Cheiz were the best couple in the Russian history of schauzers. They won BIS in the large Russian and foreign dog shows, overtaking the dog pairs of many other breeds. They looked so alike and they even moved in the same way so it seemed that there was only 1 dog, not a couple. There are still no such couples nowadays.
They loved each other with such force that they even died almost on the same day - in 1 month to be correct. I have to say that the loss of the most beloved creatures - Gela, Cheiz and Brungilda was a very hard experience. With each dead dog the particular part of your life comes to the end and it is very hard to understand that you can't return your best friend, you accuse yourself that you couldn't make the life of your favorite creature much longer…But unfortunately you can't prevent some things…
In 1994 Irina Trubnikova made an association of owners of the breed females and created a kennel called Trels. The dogs with kennel name Trels are now not only in all the regions of Russia, but abroad as well. Irina united the real fans and lovers of schauzers. Trels dogs have won a lot of Russian and foreign dog shows, Championships of the World, Europe and ISPU.
In 1995 Irina and I decided to make a double litter Brungilda and Elsabr. 10 puppies were born. Their names began with the letter "R". The puppies were with beautiful exterior and friendly character.
In 1997 Brungilda was mated with Finnish male Jandumin Xeros from well-know club Jandumin, whose owners are Raili and Reijo Latvala. I went to Finland. As result 8 puppies of extra class were born ( "G" litter). Raili, Reijo and I became friends. I fell in love with this country, amazingly calm, comfortable, clear and cozy with attentive and noble people, keeping their nature and loving their dogs. From this mating Latvala family took 2 puppies: Gendel and Gertruda. In 2001 Gendel became Champion of the World in Portugal, he was the best schnauzer of Finland in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005. Gertruda is Champion of Finland. Gerhilda stayed with me. She became an excellent show-dog and an amazing breed female. Gerhilda has a title of Bundessiger, which nowadays none of Russian schnauzers of pepper and salt color has won.
In 1999 Brungilda was mated for the last time with Vortacs Voyager whose owner is Irina Trubnikova. 9 puppies were born and their names begin with the letter "L". Unfortunately only 2 dogs started to take part in shows. I relied on this mating a lot but unfortunately their owners did not appraise the high class of those puppies. Especially it refers to Lolita (I noticed that if you don't know exactly to sell puppy or not, the only possible answer must be "not"! At the moment of the deal people promise everything: participating in dog shows, matings, but they only feed their pets so that they gain weight and do not walk their dogs enough hiding behind words that "we bought dogs just for ourselves but not for shows". It is a pity.
Now Gerhilda replaced Brungilda as a breed female. The first mating was in 2000 from Jetaine V.D. Goliathhoehe, whose owner is N.Gorbunova. 9 puppies ( "P" litter) were born: Pigmalion (the owner is Unisova), Piaf ( the owner is Bachkala), and Princessa (the owner is Sorokina) are in Moscow, Palmira (the owner is Malkova) is in Nignii Tagil, Pffefer (the owner is Kuzmina) is in Novokuzneck.
In 2003 Gerhilda was mated with Trels Esquire Fredrick whose owner is E.Markina. Elena is an amazing dogs owner. She takes care and looks after all the children of Frederick, she tries to make their future as good as possible and even impossible… Many owners of breed females should take after Elena…As a result of Gerhilda and Frederick mating 7 puppies ("J" litter) were born, 5 of which take part in shows and in breeding work: Jacobinets (the owner is Bocharnikova), Janichar (the owner is Kadochnikova), Jaromir (the owner is Okladnikov), Jaroslavna (the owner is Baljasova) and Jaroslav (the owner is P.Peltola and G.Merkurz) which lives in Finland. I think that puppies from Gerhilda and Frederick will leave a great imprint in the history of the breed.
In 2004 I went to Finland and there Gerhilda was mated with young Chivas Grand Calvera. It was the first mating of that unknown dog at that time. Now he is Champion of the World, Finland, Austria, Poland, etc. As a result 6 puppies were born ("Z" litter). I did not cut their ears and tails and I think it affected their character. They are very friendly, merry, sociable and trustful. 5 puppies take part in shows very actively: Zigmund (the owner is Rumjancev), Zigfrid (the owner is Mihaleva), Zarema (the owner is Artemov), Zigruna (the owner is Borisova) and Ziglinda who lives with me.
In 2005 I mated Gerhilda for the last time. My choice was Mettalic Veniamin, whose owner is O.Baschkin. In March only 1 puppy was born. Last months Brungilda and Cheiz were ill. In March Cheiz died and in April Brungilda died too… Maybe that illness affected her pregnancy. I had no plans to have a dog, especially the male, but the puppy had such a friendly sunny and kind character that I could not leave him. I named him as his great-grandmother- Meisterzinger Brunogelis. Bruno helped me a lot to overcome those hard days when Cheiz and Brungilda had left me.
At the same time Ziglinda grew up and became a very beautiful dog with a perfect temperament and an excellent character. Irina Trubnikova and I decided to mate her with Trels Esquire Fredrick. Pregnant Ziglinda got the second place in the Championship of Europe, and 2 days later she got CACIB and became BOB in the dog show in Romania! 7 puppies were born - 4 males and 3 females ( "H" litter). Now they are too little, however Helsing (the owner is Uspenskaya), Heminguei (owner is Konovalova), Horvatija (owner is Matveeva), Hakamada (the owner is Tihoplav) and Habanera (the owner is Mandrikina) have plans to take part in dog shows.
I can write a book about my schnauzers, about our relationship and how we adore each other. What I have written above is just a short history of 20 years of living together with the most favorite and nearest friends. I want to say that without the help of I.Trubnikova, L.Sokolova, R.Latvala, N.Gorbunova, E.Markina, the owners of puppies and the members of Trels kennel I could not reach such results in show career and breeding of my dogs. Thank you very much.